C-Meeting enables you to bring together people throughout your organization in an instant.
Meetings can be organized as a host-controlled broadcast or open forum. With C-Meeting you'll have the tools to reach your audience, share your message, and spur collaboration.
Available on the iTunes App Store: Download the app for your iPhone or iPad today! Click here.
C-Meeting Features:

Integrate Video: Participants can use any standard webcam. The platform can publish up to 10 at any given time.

Integrate Audio: Participants have multiple audio connection options when it comes to C-Meeting.
• Web Call will be through you computer's microphone and speakers in High Definition.
• Dial In gives you a telephone number and passcode to use to join the audio portion of the event.
• Call Me will allow you to enter your phone number, then our conference bridge will call out to you.
• Reconcile is used if you chose the "Dial In" or "Call Me" options. It will combine your web line and you audio line into one "log in".

Share Your Ideas: Applications, documents and spreadsheets, presentations, photographs, and even your desktop can be shared with C-Meeting.

Enhance Conversation: Moderate a Q&A session, initiate a poll, or survey your participants. C-Meeting features can include a public and/or private text chat.

Ease of Access: C-Meeting is completely browser based, only requiring a plug-in if you need to share you desktop. It can be conveniently accessed from any browser or straight from your iPad.